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Master of Science - Communications Systems Theory
Outline of Courses:
Communication and Information Theory
Cryptology and Security
Stochastic Models for Communication I,II
Wavelets & Applications: Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Computer Algebra Systems
Coding Theory
Advanced Digital Image Processing and Analysys
Advanced Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Networking and Traffic Control
Neural Networks
Coding Theory
(to be detailed)
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Advanced Digital Image Processing and Analysis
The Course will review
- The main acquisition and display systems for digital imaging.
- The mathematical tools involved (multi-dimensional Fourier analysis, M-D linear system, colour representation, stochastic models, vision-based models, human visual models).
- The main processing methods (filtering, enhancement, restoration, analysis and compression).
- As an example, the design of a complete end-to-end image communication system will be discussed
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Advanced Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
- Basics in Computer Graphics, algebra and geometry.
- Fundamental of Virtual Reality Systems, telepresence and teleoperation.
- 3D graphics and animation for VR.
- Tracking technology, sensors, immersion, presence.
- Haptic interfaces and tactile feedback for VE applications.
- Audio space and auditory systems.
- Networking Virtual Environments.
- Collaborative virtual environments and telecooperative work.
- Spatial model of interaction: aura and nimbus.
- Case studies if networking VR systems: DIVE, NPSNET, BRICKNET, VLNET.
- Modelling of virtual bodies and clones.
- Facial communication and 3D teleconferencing.
- Multisensory augmented reality and computer-augmented environments.
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Networking and Traffic Control
D1: TCP/IP and ATM, Ethernet, IP, TCP and Application Layers, Routing, Promela. Homework on DLC, Bridging, ATM, IP over ATM, RSVP. Exercises on Unix commands, socket programming and Promela.
D2: Traffic Control:
I. Reserved Services: Guranteed service, Arrival and service curves, effective bandwidth, buffering, Statistical service, Large deviations and effective bandwidth, Statistical Multiplexing.
II. Best effort services: Feedback based congestion control.
III. Routing: Routing in the Internet, Routing in circuit switched networks.
IV. Network Design: Simulated Annealing, Tabu search, Flow deviation algorithm
V. Traffic Modelling: Traffic models, Self-similarity, Long Term dependence.
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Neural Networks
- Description. Learning algorithms, knowledge, learning laws. Habbian Learning.
- Supervised & Unsupervised Learning.
- McCullock-Pitts Model.
- Universal Approximation Theorem.
- Kohomen Network.
- Counterpropagation Networks (CPN).
- Computer implementations of neural networks.
- Applications.
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