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Homotopy theory is concerned with properties of spaces that are invariant under continuous deformation. A branch of algebraic topology, it has found applications in fields as diverse as theoretical physics and computer science. The following people at Galway work in this area.

JIM CRUICKSHANK is interested in the interaction between equivariant structures and fibrewise structures in topology and geometry. One can reduce many problems of equivariant topology to nonequivariant fibrewise problems. Equivariant topology is topology with group
actions. Thus all the functions must satisfy certain symmetry constraints. Fibrewise topology theory is topology done "over a base space". For example, instead of vector spaces, one considers vector bundles, or instead of ordinary cohomology one considers cohomology with twisted coefficients. It is sometimes easier to deal with the fibrewise problem rather than the original equivariant problem.

GRAHAM ELLIS is interested in algebraic models of  low-dimensional integral homotopy types, and in using them to obtain explicit calculations (often with the aid of a computer). In contrast to much of homotopy theory, the algebra of these models can be very non-abelian. Some of Graham's work is joint with JOHN BURNS, and he is currently working with EMIL SKOLDBERG on the design of an homotopical algebra computer package.

EMIL SKOLDBERG is interested in homological algebra. A particular interest is the use of techniques such as perturbation theory, discrete Morse theory and Groebner bases in constructing resolutions for commutative algebras, Lie algebras, monoids etc. Although homological algebra was invented as a purely theoretical tool, the ever increasing power of computers means that it is now practical to implement the theory on computers. Emil is currently working on the design and implementation of a "high performance" homotopical algebra library for the Haskell functional programming language. The library is primarily intended for non-abelian structures such as monoids, (infinite dimensional) Lie algebras and posets. The "high performance" aspects are being tested on the University's super-computer.

JAMES HARRIS is working on his PhD thesis. He is interested in polytopes as a means of constructing explicit small resolutions and cohomology rings for groups whose Cayley graph is "almost lattice-like". Coxeter groups, Braid groups and finite p-groups seem to be examples of such groups.

Department of Mathematics,
National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland.
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