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Why should you do the CS course?
  Computer science is at the forefront of expansion of human knowledge. Forget all you've heard about the fall off in the number of jobs in the IT sector. The fact is that the jobs out there are changing not dying out. Most current IT degrees do not prepare prepare programmers for this workplace. In fact most courses will teach you a limited number of programming languages, that are the current flavour of the month but, which will be obsolete in a few short years time. Our course is different, because, by recognising and teaching the underlying facts about computers we better prepare our graduates for the future.

Our course brings together the two core areas of computer science and mathematics. As you graduate through the course you will come to realise the fundamental importance of mathematics in the area of computer science. Without an underlying mathematical basis computers could not function. In fact the mathematical element of this course provides such a good basis that some of the past graduates have gone on to pursue careers n the Mathematics Department. Don't let a fear of maths put you off however. Although some aptitude for computation will help, it is only one area in a broad course.

Many of our students choose the course for its more physical or practical aspects. With its emphasis on logic and low-level understanding of the technologies involved students who are studying physics or mathematical physics find this course a useful second subject. Many in fact try it out and like it so much in first year that they continue on with the course.


Mathematics Department, Maths Physics Department, IT Department, Physics Department.
National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland.
Phone: +353 (0)91 750442 (direct line) , +353 (0)91 524411 x2332 (via switchboard)
Fax No.: +353 (0)91 750542, E-mail:
Copyright © 2003 National University of Ireland, Galway