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Course Outline
  First Year: Students are introduced to basic computing concepts such as hardware and software. They are also introduced to programming a computer in the C language. In the second semester courses introduce students to the physical aspects of computer architecture and to the use of computers in solving mathematical problems.
Denominated students are also expected to follow the first year Honours Maths and Mathematical Physics courses.

Second Year: In the first semester, students learn the basics of operating systems along with a brief introduction to object oriented programming. Alongside this they take courses in the correctness of algorithms and in the methodology behind designing a computer program.
In the second semester they are taught scientific computing, which is a continuation of the theme of using a computer to solve mathematical problems begun in first year. They are also given an introduction to information storage and retrieval such as in a data base.
Denominated students must also study second year Honours Algebra and Discrete Mathematics along with Methods of Maths Physics. They also have to choose two courses out of Basic Calculus, Honours Mathematical Analysis, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics and Honours Mechanics.

Third Year: At this stage core course elements involve Mathematical and Logical Aspects of Computing, Cryptography, Networking and Elements of Software Engineering.
Denominated students must also take two combined courses in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. These involve Groups, Methods of Maths Physics, Linear Algebra and Computing Techniques of Applied mathematics.

Please Note: Students who do not wish to obtain an Honours Degree can graduate after third year with a General Science Degree (BSc).

Fourth Year: In final year students must take a core of four modules. These are Object Oriented Programming, Advanced Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Programming. In order to complete their degree students can choose from a range of supplementary modules and complete a practical project in their own area of interest.
Denominated students must include four mathematical courses as part of their course. The four modules are Rings, Fields, Calculus of Variations and Modelling. They must supplement this with only one or two further modules to graduate.


Mathematics Department, Maths Physics Department, IT Department, Physics Department.
National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland.
Phone: +353 (0)91 750442 (direct line) , +353 (0)91 524411 x2332 (via switchboard)
Fax No.: +353 (0)91 750542, E-mail:
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