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Syllabus - MA484/MA487
  MA484/MA487 Statistics
  • Introduction to statistical inference: methods of estimation, least squares and maximum likelihood, Bayes methods, properties of estimators
  • Approaches to statistics, including data analytic, frequentist, Bayesian, robust, non-parametric, structural and fiducial. Ther role of probability in the frequentist approach to statistical inference.
  • Brief review of random variables and their distributions. Some methods of point estimation needed in hypothesis tests, including maximum likelihood and method of moments.
  • Hypothesis testing: likelihood ratio tests, Neymann Pearson theory. Exponential families of distributions. Derivation of uniformly most powerful tests when they exist.

  • Discussion of uniformly most powerful unbiased tests. Discussion of uniformly most accurate, and uniformly most accurate unbiased confidence sets. Applications.
  • Principles of data reduction, with particular emphasis on the concept of sufficiency. The concept of completeness.
  • Point estimation: criteria and derivations. Methods of estimation, especially minimum variance unbiased estimators. Basu's Theorem. Applications.


  • R. Hogg & A. Craig, "Introduction to Mathematical Statistics" (Macmillan)


  • L.J. Bain & M. Engelhardt, "Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics" (van Nostrand Reinhold)
  • E.J. Dudewicz & S.N. Mishra, "Modern Mathematical Statistics" (Wiley)
  • P.G. Hoel, S.C. Port & C.J. Stone, "Introduction to Statistical Theory" (Houghton Mifflin)
  • H.J. Larson, "Introduction to the Theory of Statistics" (Wiley)
  • A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill & D.C. Boes, "Introduction to the Theory of Statistics" (McGraw Hill)

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