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Syllabus - CS421

MA410 Artificial Intelligence

  • Review of logic
  • Propositional calculus, truth tables, conjunctive and disjunctive normal forms, arguments
  • Predicate calculus, Skolemisation, clause form, resolution
  • Searching: Breadth first, depth first and best first search in a state space
  • Two-person games, the minimax procedure, alpha beta pruning
  • Introduction to PROLOG
  • Facts, rules, queries, back-tracking, lists
  • Searching, production systems


  • I. Bratko, "PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence" (Addison Wesley)
  • G.F. Luger and W.A. Stubblefield, "Artificial intelligence and the design of expert systems" (Benjamin Cummings)

MA426 Fourier Analysis

  • Fourier series. The Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem. The Dirichlet condition for convergence. The Gibbs Phenomenon. Fejer kernels and Cesaro summation of Fourier series.
  • Fourier transforms on R. L1 and L2 functions. The Plancherel Theorem. Band-limited functions and the Shannon Sampling Theorem. convolution and filtering.
  • Discrete Fourier transforms. The Fast Fourier transform and its applications. Digital filtering.

CS424 Object Oriented Programming


CS428 Advanced Operating Systems & Automated Reasoning

There will be a practical assessment in computing, carrying up to 30% of the total marks
Propositional calculus: truth functions and propositional connectives, logical validity, an axiomatization and completeness meta-theorem.
First order theories: axioms, theorems, interpretations, logical validity.
Rules of inference: binary resolution, hyper-resolution, demodulation, subsumption, proof by contradiction.
The set of Support Strategy (and weighting). Introduction to UNIX on Dangan workstations.
Using the OTTER computer package: puzzles, logic circuit design/validation, theorem proving.
A first order for Peano arithmetic.
Godel's Incompleteness Theorem: statement, indication of proof (Godel numbers, recursive functions, represntable functions), relevance to automated theorem proving.
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Mathematics Department, Maths Physics Department, IT Department, Physics Department.
National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland.
Phone: +353 (0)91 750442 (direct line) , +353 (0)91 524411 x2332 (via switchboard)
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